jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

activities 6


1 Cuando yo era niña yo no jugaba al futbol

2 Ella tiene un portatil y le gusta la tecnologia

3 ¿ Que hizo el pasado domingo? El fue al cine y mas tarde corrio una carrera

4 ¿ compraron ellos un pastel? No, ellos hicieron un pastel y el se lo comió y bebió agua


1 Dan _____ ______________(not/work) last week.

2 _____ you _____ (wash) the dishes, yesterday?

3 Marta ______________(not live) in Africa.

4 Dan ________________(love) wild animals

5 Let´s go out. It ______________(not rain) now.

6 Maria _________________(work) for a TV station today.


A: …........you......................(live) in Murcia?
B: No, I............................(not live) in Murcia. I.....................(live) in Cerdanyola. But my sister.................(live) there.
A: And.....................she........................(like) it?
B: Yes, she........................(love) Murica. She......................(work) in a bank in the mornings. In the afternoons, she................................(play) tennis with her boyfriend or she..........................(watch) TV at home. In the evenings, she usually......................(go) for a walk on the beach or she...........(do) her English homework. She........................(study) English on Saturdays.
A:.............................she........................(visit) you in Alcantarilla?
B: She...............................(not come) to Alcantarilla very often. I usually.......................(visit) her in Murcia.


Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas.

Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados.

Mi madre limpia casa. Ella es limpiadora.

Tú eres un buen estudiante.

Mary trabaja en un banco. Pero ella es enfermera.

John camina a su oficina.

Vosotros estudiais inglés en la escuela.

El coche está en el garage.

Mi padre tiene un bonito reloj.

Frequency Adverbs

Order the sentences
dictionary / often / use / The / the / students

me / Jose / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework

  1. visit / Francisco / usually / dentist / the

I / fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without

try / police / keep / The / order / always / to

see / usually / Anna / out / goes / a / to / concert

often / money / Sandra / her / borrows / friends / from

my / My / spoils / neighbour / holidays / always

lived / never / Carlos / Sidney / had / before / in

angry / Our / teacher / English / usually / is

car / I / drink / never / when / drive / I / alcohol / a

Antonio / Don Quijote / My / has / cousin / never / read

Put the verb in the correct form

  1. He.........................(write) his homework last Sunday.

2. Mary......................................(not go) to school last week.

3. She ….......................... (wash) her car every week.

  1. Paul …............................(sleep) seven hours a day.

  1. He (sleep).......................in the bed now.

  1. She (shop)....................at the mall now.


  1. ¿Donde fuistes ayer? Yo fui a una galeria de arte con mi hermano y despues tomamos un batido de chocolate.

  1. ¿ A quien te encontrastes? Yo me encontre algunos amigos y nos fuimos de tiendas, no compramos ningun vaquero, pero lo pasamos bien.

  1. Llovio ayer por la noche? No, ayer no llovio pero hoy esta lloviendo todo el dia. Pepe pasea por el jardin todos los dias.

4 ¿Que esta haciendo ella ahora? Ella está haciendo una cometa.

5 El no esta dando de comer a los pajaros, está recogiendo flores y fresas

6 ¿Están ellos montando en bicicleta? No, ellos no están. Ellos están haciendo una jardinera.

Complete this sentences.

  1. Peter and Susan ………. (play) ……… in the beach.

  1. ………. my mother (talk) ………. to Jane?

  1. The pupils ………. (shout) ………. in the park.

  1. She __________ (not watch) TV.

  1. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.

  1. I ___________ (not do) my homework.

  1. ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.

  1. ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.

Filed cards 6º

1. Mr Cooper always....................a pound of sugar. (buy)

2. The shop assistant......................the door now. (close)

3. Kevin and Alan never......................away glass bottles. (throw)

4. Look! Freddy................................two baskets. (carry)

5. Now Mrs Caveman.............................out of the window. (look)

6. Mrs Bingham.............................shopping every Saturday. (go)

7. I..................................the money at the moment. (count)

8. Mr Root always..................a box of eggs before buying them. (open)

9. Mum often......................................her change. (forget)

10. Listen! The manager...............................to a customer. (talk)

11. My friends often................shopping at the other supermarket. (go)

12. We always.............................our things in a basket. (put)

13. The shop..........................................at the moment. (close)

14. Every Sunday they...............................tennis. (play)

15. She.....................................a shower now. (take)

Fill in the past form.

1. Mammoths...................big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)

2. Mammoths.......................................100 years ago. (not live)

3. Mammoths...................................a long time ago. (live)

4. Mammoths...............meat. They...............grass. (not eat / eat)

5. They.................two large tusks about three metres long. (have)

6. Some dinosaurs........in the air and some.............in the sea. (fly / swim)

7. He...............some milk. He...........any water. (drink / not drink)

8. She only............a pound. She..................3 pounds. (spend / not spend)

9. I...............some elephants. I..............any lions. (see / not see)

10. They...............in the sea, but................in the lake. (swim / not swim)

Translate this sentences

Yo estoy bebiendo café en este momento

Ella esta juegando al baloncesto ahora

El esta comiendo una hamburgesa hoy

Estas viendo la television? No estoy durmiendo

El perro esta corriendo por el parque.

Nosotros bailamos ayer

Yo trabaje la pasada noche

El gato bebió leche hace dos semanas

El mono escaló el árbol

Ella envió una carta a sus amigas ayer
present continuous

1 write in positive way

  • 7.Why....................your brother................................(sit) on the floor?
  • 8.You...............................(not listen) to me.

  • 9.Look, the old man.................(cross) the street now.

  • 10.We.....…....................(fly) over London at the moment.

  • 11.He is......................................(write) a letter.

  • 12.They are.................(sit) down.

  • 13 She is............................(swim) in the lake.

Make the present simple, positive, negative or question:

  • 7. Lucy _________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

  • 8. Why _________________ (he / be) in France?

  • 9. I _________________ (not / play) the piano often.

  • 10. It _________________ (not / be) cold today.

  • 11. We _________________ (be) from Portugal.

  • 12. _________________ (we / make) too much noise at night?

  • 13. Where _________________ (Harry / study)?

  • 14. _________________ (it / be) foggy today?

Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency

  1. They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.

2) I _______ eat turkey. (Only at Christmas)

3) She doesn’t have a watch so she’s _________ late.

4) We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.

I ________ play tennis (when I have time)

present simple and present continuous

  • Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.
  • The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?
  • I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.
  • I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.
  • It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.
  • 25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

present continuous

1 write in positive way

1................................................you.................................(wait) for someone?

2.I................................................(look) for my glasses. I can't find them.

3.He...........................................(not work) today. He is on holiday.

4.They...............................................(not take) photos of the house.

5.My parents............................................(visit) Rome at the moment.

6..............................she.....................................(work) in her room?

7.Why....................your brother................................(sit) on the floor?

8.You...............................(not listen) to me.

9.Look, the old man.................(cross) the street now.

10.We.....…....................(fly) over London at the moment.

11.He is......................................(write) a letter.

12.They are.................(sit) down.

13 She is............................(swim) in the lake.

14.It's...............................(begin) to rain.

15.I'm................................(study) Chinese this year.

16.She's........................... (lie) on the beach.

17It's..............................................(get) dark sooner these days.

18.I'm.........................................(travel) to Lisbon this summer.

19.She's …...................................(cut) some bread.

20..I'm...................................(see) the dentist next week.

2 change the verbs








8 write

9. put

10. read

write the sentences en present continuos

1.She/play tennis

2.They/listen to the radio
3.You/go to the store

4.I/cook dinne


Make the present simple, positive, negative or question:

1. I _________________ (be) in a café now.

2. _________________ (she / play) tennis every week?

3. They _________________ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

4. _________________ (she / be) a singer?

5. You _________________ (find) the weather here cold.

6. _________________ (they / be) on the bus?

7. Lucy _________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

8. Why _________________ (he / be) in France?

9. I _________________ (not / play) the piano often.

10. It _________________ (not / be) cold today.

11. We _________________ (be) from Portugal.

12. _________________ (we / make) too much noise at night?

13. Where _________________ (Harry / study)?

14. _________________ (it / be) foggy today?

15. We _________________ (not / be) late.

16. They _________________ (not / like) animals.

17. Where _________________ (you / be)?

18. He _________________ (not / be) an accountant.

19. _________________ (the dog / eat) chicken?

  1. She _________________ (be) my sister.

2. Write the third person singular form (he, she, it) of these verbs.













3. Correct the sentences if necessary.
1. She goes to the beach in summer.

2. They opens the shop in the morning.

3. I watch the news in the evening.

4. My friend watch TV at night.

5. Bob and Peter washes their car.

6. Pamela like going to the cinema.

7. The show finishes at eleven o'clock.

8. Paul loves playing tennis.

9. He always passes the exams.

10. She never studys for the tests.

Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency

  1. They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.

2) I _______ eat turkey. (Only at Christmas)

3) She doesn’t have a watch so she’s _________ late.

4) We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.

5) I ________ play tennis (when I have time)

present simple and present continuous

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

  1. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.

  1. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.

  1. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

  1. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.

  1. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.

  1. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.

  1. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.

  1. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.

  1. We ____________ (have) lunch now.

  1. I never ____________ (stay in) on Saturday evening.

  1. I ____________ (go) to the cinema now.

  1. My mum ____________ (not work) today.

  1. Peter ____________ (not like) rap music.

  1. He ____________ (listen) to pop music at the moment.

  1. Donna usually ____________ (go) shopping on Saturdays.

  1. Let´s go out. It ____________ (not rain) now.

  1. Hurry up! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you!

  1. The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.

  1. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

  1. The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?

  1. I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.

  1. I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.

  1. It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.

25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

Use don´t have to and doesn´t have to.

1. He …...................... work in the evening.

2. We …..................... go shopping.
3. The friends …..................... get up early.
4. Mandy ….......................... read the instructions.
5. You ….............................. do the project.
6. I ….................................. play the guitar.
7. They …............................. carry the buckets.
8. She …............................... wash my T-shirt.
9. Mum …............................... make sandwiches.
10. Frank and Joel ….............................. draw a picture.

Put in have to or has to into the gaps.

1) They …............................. write a test.
2) She …............................... clean her desk.
3) Ken and Liz …..................... learn English words.
4) Andy …............................. help his brother.
5) We …............................... do our homework.
6) He …................................. write with a pencil.
7) I …................................. feed the hamster.
8) You …............................ take photos.
9) Victoria …....................... read the newspaper.
10) The teacher …............... send a text message.

  • ING 5 AND 6

RULER 1: Most verbs add -ing.
Example look ---- looking

RULER 2: Verbs ending in -e; take off -e and add -ing
Example live ---- living

RULER 3: verbs ending in consonant +vowel + consonant; double the last consonant and add – ing.
Example stop ---- stopping.

Classify this verbs.




































find out








































































Present continuous

1; complete the sentences. Put in the correct way

I _______ (work) now.

 Nell _______ (not/watch) television at the moment.

 They _______ (go) to the cinema.

 _______ you _______ (call) your mother?

 John _______ (read) the newspaper.

 _______ Valerie _______ (study) English?

 We _______ (not/play) videogames.

 I _______ (not/drink) water.

We _______ (know) her.

It ………. rain ………. in New York.
  1. Mary………. (cook)………. in her house.
  1. Peter and Susan ………. (play) ……… in the beach.
  1. My father ………. (work) ………. in the garden.
  1. I ………. (learn) ………. French.
  1. You ………. ………. (study) ……… math.
  1. My sister ………. (eat) ………. at the restaurant.
  1. We ………. (enjoy) ………. the party.
  1. They ………. ………. (see) ………. the pictures.
  1. ………. my mother (talk) ………. to Jane?
  1. The children ………. (visit) ………. the Zoo.
  1. Mike ………. (call) ………. you.
  1. Robert and Alice ………. (travel) ………. to Europe.
  1. The dog ………. (sleep) ………. in the street.
  1. What ………. you (do) ……….?
  1. My grandfather ………. (watch) ………. T.V.
  1. My friends ………. (drink) ………. at the bar.
  1. Lisa ………. (paint) ………. her house.
  1. I ………. (play) ………. the guitar.
  1. The pupils ………. (shout) ………. in the park.

2 translate the sentences

¿Estas tu corriendo por el parque? No, yo no

¿Esta comiendo tu padre en este momento? Si, el estaba

¿Esta Pepe comiendo zanahorias?

Antonino esta escuchando música porque el estaba comiendo palomitas y gritando en el autobús.

Ella esta durmiendo en este momento porque ella esta enferma (ill)

Ellos están escribiendo notas en clase, el profesor esta gritando también.

Nosotros estamos cortando el césped del abuelo ahora.

Yo estoy llevando puesto una bufanda y una chaqueta.

¿Estas tu contento? No yo no.

Elisa esta hablando con su hermano en este momento.

¿Que estas haciendo? Yo estoy tocando la guitarra

¿Que esta haciendo ella ahora? Ella esta escalando la montaña.


Añade la -ing

1. camp ______________
2. swim ______________
3. travel ______________
4. walk ______________
5. have ______________
6. write ______________
7. cook ______________
8. shop ______________

Completar las frases

1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops.
2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan.
3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach.
4. She __________ (not watch) TV.
5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.
6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

Escribir preguntas y respuestas breves

1. your dad / work / today /?
Yes, _________________________
2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?
Yes, _________________________
3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?
Yes, _________________________
4. your friends / play football / ?
Yes, _________________________

Completar los dialogos

1. a. I´m going on holiday.
b. Where ______________ ?
2. a. He´s cooking dinner.
b. What ______________ ?
3. a. My sister is going to England.
b. Who ______________ ?
4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.
b. Where ______________ ?

Presente continuo

1. I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team ___________ (win)!
3. Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I ___________ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.
11. Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.
12. Who ___________(watch) TV?
13. Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.
14. I ___________ (eat) a pizza.
15. We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.
16. I ___________ (not write) an email.
17. Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.
18. We ___________ (not have) fun today.
19. My team ___________ (not win) the match.
20. My parents ___________ (drive) to work now.
21. ___________ they ___________ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
22. ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.
23. ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We ___________ (not play) basketball.

Presente Continuo

1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.
2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.
6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.
7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre.
8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.
9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue.
10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me.
11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil.
12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower.
13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room.
14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call.
15. Rosa ___________ (open) the door.
16. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth.
17. Eva ___________ (sing).
18. Mati ___________ (listen) to the radio.1
9. Jose ___________ (walk) to school.
20. Javi ___________ (write) a letter.
21. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?
22. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.
23. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?
24. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog.
25. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?

Presente Continuo

1. I ____________ (learn) how to swim.
2. I ____________ (eat) my lunch.
3. I ____________ (watch) television.
4. She ____________ (read) a book.
5. Dad ____________ (bake) a cake.
6. My sister ____________ (listen) to music.
7. Peter ____________ (clean) his car.
8. The dog ____________ (bark) in the garden.
9. We ____________ (sing) our favourite song.
10. My brother and I ____________ (play) a computer game.
11. The teachers ____________ (show) us a film.
12. They ____________ (bring) a TV in the classroom.
13. She´s bored. Her friend ____________ (watch) TV again.
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea ____________ (win) the match.
15. I´m scared. A big dog ____________ (stand) in front of me.
16. She´s happy. She ____________ (not work) today.
17. I´m worried. It ____________ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.
18. The teacher is annoyed. We ____________ (not listen).
19. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for? I´m ____________ (wait) for John.
20. ____________ it ____________ (snow)? No, it ____________ (rain).
21. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today? We ____________ (go) to the park.
22. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me? No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.
23. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV? No, we ____________ (study).
24. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I ____________ (do) my homework.
  1. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are.


 Bob / grandparents / are/ in France

 Steve / schoolmates / are /friendly

 Zoe, Martin and Ann / drama teachers / great / are

 Janet / Zoe / grandmother / is /sixty-five years old

 Paul / Mary / scooters / are/in the garden

 Martin and Janet / parents / live/in London

future: be going to

1. Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in brackets:
Example: We are going to cook (cook) dinner this evening.

a. Next summer, I (travel) to England.

b. My sister María (live) in Madrid.

c.They (play) tennis this afternoon.

d.Myfather (buy) a new car.

e. Susan and David (see) the film tonight.

f. I (visit) the dentist tomorrow.

2. Make questions with to be going to using these words and answer them in the negative form:

Example: Tony / read / this / book.
Is Tony going to read this book? No, Tony isn’t going to read this book.

a. Your friends / listen to music. ? - No,

b. Peter / wash / his car. ? - No,

c. She / write a letter. ? - No,

d. Philip and Frank / have a birthday party. ? - No,

e. He / repair my bicycle. ? - No,

f. Your grandparents /visit you / next weekend. ? - No,

3. Write the following words in the right order to form sentences with to be going to in affirmative, negative or interrogative:
Example: is / to / a / Fred / doctor / going / be.
Fred is going to be a doctor.

a. to / am / dentist / the / I / this / going / visit / afternoon.

b. swim / aren’t / They / to / going / tomorrow.

c. her / paint / isn’t / to / room / going / She.

1.Complete the following sentences with have/has to or don’t doesn’t
have to:

a) James is a smart guy, he_____________________ (study) a lot!

b) Lorenz and Susan live in a really old house, they ______________
____________ (buy) a new one.

c) Do you really ___________________ (speak) so fast? I
________________ (write down) every single word!

d) No, you___________________________ (write down) every word I
say, just the most important ideas!

e) Oh, look at the time I_____________(run) or a I’ll loose the train!

f) You___________________(run), the train is going to be delayed.

g) She has a wonderful hair but she _______________________ (wash)
it every day.

h) We can share a taxi if you want to. You ___________________
(walk) home

A. Use the correct tense. (Simple Present / Present Progressive)

1. Normally I __________ (start) work at eight o'clock but I __________ (start) at 7 this
week. We are busy just now.

2. We __________ (go) camping every year. It's a good cheap holiday. Hotels
__________ (cost) too much.

3. What's that smell? Something __________ (burn) in the kitchen.

4. I (work) overtime this month because I __________ (save up) to buy a car.

5. He __________ (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he __________ (try)
very hard to cut down.

B. Use the correct tense. (Simple Past / Past Progressive / Simple Present)

1. The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some __________ (read) magazines,

others __________ (just / turn) over the pages. A woman __________ (knit), a child

__________ (play) with a toy car. Suddenly the door __________ (open) and the nurse

__________ (say) "Next, please."

2. What __________ (you / do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?

3. Yesterday Luis __________ (cross) a street when a truck __________ (turn) the corner

very fast and almost __________ (hit) him.

4. Last Saturday while Sally __________ (clean) out the attic, she __________ (find) her

grandmother's wedding dress.

(Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and to be going to.)
  1. Helen ............... (change) her hairstyle.
  2. Fred and Paul ................. (not visit) their grandma.
  3. ....... you ............ (cheat) during your exams?
  4. His father ................. (not help) him with the cooking.
  5. ......... Clara’s little sister .............. (eat) a biscuit?
  6. My best friends .................. (not go) to the cinema tomorrow.
  7. Matthew’s parents .................. (buy) a new car.
  8. ......... Evelyn ............... (fly) to Greece this week?
  9. They ................. (not come) back home before midnight.
  10. I .................. (watch) TV tonight.

Type in the verbs in the future I (going to).
  1. Mr Potts (sell)  his house.
  2. Our neighbours (spend)  their next holidays in the Caribbean.
  3. (move)  to another town.
  4. My husband (build)  a tree house for the kids.
  5. His friends (learn)  English.
Type in the verbs in the future I (going to).
  1. (tell/not)  you the secret.
  2. She (ring/not)  me.
  3. We (invite/not)  him to our party.
  4. Greg (work/not)  abroad.
  5. Her parents (lend/not)  her any more money.
Write questions in the future I (going to).
  1. (you/help/me) ?
  2. (she/study/in Glasgow) ?
  3. (they/paint/the room) ?
  4. (he/apply/for that job) ?
  5. (what/you/do)  about this?

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