martes, 8 de julio de 2014

activities 5


Añade la -ing

1. camp ______________
2. swim ______________
3. travel ______________
4. walk ______________
5. have ______________
6. write ______________
7. cook ______________
8. shop ______________

Completar las frases

1. His dad and brother ________(cycle) to the shops.
2. We __________ (not travel) in Japan.
3. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach.
4. She __________ (not watch) TV.
5. They __________ (not swim) in the sea.
6. Sue __________ (stay) at home today.

Escribir preguntas y respuestas breves

1. your dad / work / today /?
Yes, _________________________
2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?
Yes, _________________________
3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?
Yes, _________________________
4. your friends / play football / ?
Yes, _________________________

Completar los dialogos

1. a. I´m going on holiday.
b. Where ______________ ?
2. a. He´s cooking dinner.
b. What ______________ ?
3. a. My sister is going to England.
b. Who ______________ ?
4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.
b. Where ______________ ?

Presente continuo

1. I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.
2. My favourite team ___________ (win)!
3. Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.
4. Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.
5. We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.
6. I ___________ (not do) my homework.
7. Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.
8. My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.
9. Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.
10. Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.
11. Joe ___________ (play) on the computer.
12. Who ___________(watch) TV?
13. Tina ___________ (do) grammar exercises.
14. I ___________ (eat) a pizza.
15. We ___________ (sit) in the classroom.
16. I ___________ (not write) an email.
17. Amy ___________ (not go) to school today.
18. We ___________ (not have) fun today.
19. My team ___________ (not win) the match.
20. My parents ___________ (drive) to work now.
21. ___________ they ___________ (read) magazines? Yes, they are.
22. ___________ you ___________ (learn) English? Yes I am.
23. ___________ Helen ___________ (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.
24. ___________ Sarah ___________ (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.
25. We ___________ (not play) basketball.

Presente Continuo

1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.
2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!
3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).
4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?
5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.
6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.
7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre.
8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.
9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue.
10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me.
11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil.
12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower.
13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room.
14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call.
15. Rosa ___________ (open) the door.
16. Olga ___________ (brush) her teeth.
17. Eva ___________ (sing).
18. Mati ___________ (listen) to the radio.1
9. Jose ___________ (walk) to school.
20. Javi ___________ (write) a letter.
21. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?
22. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.
23. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?
24. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog.
25. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?

Presente Continuo

1. I ____________ (learn) how to swim.
2. I ____________ (eat) my lunch.
3. I ____________ (watch) television.
4. She ____________ (read) a book.
5. Dad ____________ (bake) a cake.
6. My sister ____________ (listen) to music.
7. Peter ____________ (clean) his car.
8. The dog ____________ (bark) in the garden.
9. We ____________ (sing) our favourite song.
10. My brother and I ____________ (play) a computer game.
11. The teachers ____________ (show) us a film.
12. They ____________ (bring) a TV in the classroom.
13. She´s bored. Her friend ____________ (watch) TV again.
14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea ____________ (win) the match.
15. I´m scared. A big dog ____________ (stand) in front of me.
16. She´s happy. She ____________ (not work) today.
17. I´m worried. It ____________ (rain) and I haven´t got an umbrella.
18. The teacher is annoyed. We ____________ (not listen).
19. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for? I´m ____________ (wait) for John.
20. ____________ it ____________ (snow)? No, it ____________ (rain).
21. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today? We ____________ (go) to the park.
22. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me? No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.
23. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV? No, we ____________ (study).
24. What ____________ you ____________ (do)? I ____________ (do) my homework.
  1. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are.


 Bob / grandparents / are/ in France

 Steve / schoolmates / are /friendly

 Zoe, Martin and Ann / drama teachers / great / are

 Janet / Zoe / grandmother / is /sixty-five years old

 Paul / Mary / scooters / are/in the garden

 Martin and Janet / parents / live/in London


A: … in Murcia?
B: No, I............................(not live) in Murcia. I.....................(live) in Cerdanyola. But my sister.................(live) there.
A: And.....................she........................(like) it?
B: Yes, she........................(love) Murica. She......................(work) in a bank in the mornings. In the afternoons, she................................(play) tennis with her boyfriend or she..........................(watch) TV at home. In the evenings, she usually......................(go) for a walk on the beach or she...........(do) her English homework. She........................(study) English on Saturdays.
A:.............................she........................(visit) you in Alcantarilla?
B: She...............................(not come) to Alcantarilla very often. I usually.......................(visit) her in Murcia.


Yo viajo a Londres todas las semanas.

Ellos corren en el parque todos los sábados.

Mi madre limpia casa. Ella es limpiadora.

Tú eres un buen estudiante.

Mary trabaja en un banco. Pero ella es enfermera.

John camina a su oficina.

Vosotros estudiais inglés en la escuela.

El coche está en el garage.

Mi padre tiene un bonito reloj.

Frequency Adverbs

Order the sentences
dictionary / often / use / The / the / students

me / Jose / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework

  1. visit / Francisco / usually / dentist / the

I / fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without

try / police / keep / The / order / always / to

see / usually / Anna / out / goes / a / to / concert

often / money / Sandra / her / borrows / friends / from

my / My / spoils / neighbour / holidays / always

lived / never / Carlos / Sidney / had / before / in

angry / Our / teacher / English / usually / is

car / I / drink / never / when / drive / I / alcohol / a

Antonio / Don Quijote / My / has / cousin / never / read

Put the verb in the correct form

1 She ….......................... (wash) her car every week.

2 Paul …............................(sleep) seven hours a day.

3. He (sleep) the bed now.

4. She (shop) the mall now.


  1. ¿ Cual es el animal mas largo? El animal mas largo es la serpinete pero el perro es mas ruidoso que la serpiente

  1. ¿ Hay algun raton sobre la mesa? No, no hay. Hay algunos huevos en el frigorifico.

  1. No hay ninguna pegatina en mi dormitorio.

  1. Yo estaba entrenando con mi equipo y Antonio hace karete todos los dias.

1 ¿Estas tu comiendo por el parque? No, yo no estoy

2 ¿ Llevas una chaqueta roja? No, yo no. Yo llevo una chaqueta verde.

3 Antonio está escuchando música y ella está comiendo palomitas y gritando en el autobús.

Complete this sentences.

  1. I _______ (work) now.

  1. he______ (not/watch) television at the moment.

  1.  They _______ (go) to the cinema.


    John _______ (read) the newspaper.

  1.  _______ Valerie _______ (study) English?

  1.  We _______ (not/play) videogames.

  1.  I _______ (not/drink) water.

  1. Mary………. (cook)………. in her house. 

1. Mr Cooper always  a pound of sugar. (buy)

2. The shop assistant 
 the door now. (close)

3. Kevin and Alan never 
 away glass bottles. (throw)

4. Look! Freddy 
 two baskets. (carry)

5. Now Mrs Caveman 
 out of the window. (look)

6. Mrs Bingham 
 shopping every Saturday. (go)

7. I 
 the money at the moment. (count)

8. Mr Root always 
 a box of eggs before buying them. (open)

9. Mum often 
 her change. (forget)

10. Listen! The manager 
 to a customer. (talk)

11. My friends often 
 shopping at the other supermarket. (go)

12. We always 
 our things in a basket. (put)

13. The shop 
 at the moment. (close)

14. Every Sunday they 
 tennis. (play)

15. She 
 a shower now. (take)

Complete using some/any/a/an:

1.There's.....................................airport next to the city.

  1. There are................................beautiful gardens, but there aren't fountains.

  1. There are...........postcards on this table for you.

  1. Are there............parents in that party?

  1. There isn' centre in this little town.

  1. Is near here?

  1. There are.............good books that you should read.

  1. Is in the fridge?

  1. Are there...................chocolates in the kitchen?

  1. There aren't..................cookies left, sorry!

  1. There' next to the river. Some friends live there.

  1. Are there..................armchairs in your house?

Choose there is or there are

1. ….................a lion under the tree.

2. ….................children in the car.
3. ….................a woman in the house.
4. …..................tigers in the cage.
5. …...................mice in the box.
6. …....................mangoes in the basket.
7. … orange in the box.
8. …...................a child in the school.
9. …...................buses on the road.
10. ….................boxes on the chair.
11. … elephant in front of the house.
12. …...................twelve months in a year.
13. …............ oxen in the field.
  1. ............thirty days in a year.

  1. ant on the paper.

Translate this sentences

hay huevos en el frigorífico? No, hay ningún huevo en el frigorífico hay algunos tomates.

Hay algunos bancos en murcia? Si, hay algunos bancos en Murcia

hay algunas tiendas en alcantarilla pero no hay ningún cine.

Hay un imán en la puerta? No hay un imán, hay algunas cartas

ella esta corriendo por el parque en este momento

estas viendo la televisión? No yo estoy durmiendo

yo trabajo todos los días

ella vive en murcia

El esta comiendo hamburguesa hoy

present continuous

1 write in positive way

  • 7.Why....................your brother................................(sit) on the floor?
  • 8.You...............................(not listen) to me.

  • 9.Look, the old man.................(cross) the street now.

  • 10.We.....…....................(fly) over London at the moment.

  • 11.He is......................................(write) a letter.

  • 12.They are.................(sit) down.

  • 13 She is............................(swim) in the lake.

Make the present simple, positive, negative or question:

  • 7. Lucy _________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

  • 8. Why _________________ (he / be) in France?

  • 9. I _________________ (not / play) the piano often.

  • 10. It _________________ (not / be) cold today.

  • 11. We _________________ (be) from Portugal.

  • 12. _________________ (we / make) too much noise at night?

  • 13. Where _________________ (Harry / study)?

  • 14. _________________ (it / be) foggy today?

present simple and present continuous

  • Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.
  • The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?
  • I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.
  • I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.
  • It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.
  • 25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.
present continuous

1 write in positive way for someone?

2.I................................................(look) for my glasses. I can't find them.

3.He...........................................(not work) today. He is on holiday.

4.They...............................................(not take) photos of the house.

5.My parents............................................(visit) Rome at the moment.

6..............................she.....................................(work) in her room?

Make the present simple, positive, negative or question:

1. I _________________ (be) in a café now.

2. _________________ (she / play) tennis every week?

3. They _________________ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

4. _________________ (she / be) a singer?

5. You _________________ (find) the weather here cold.

  1. _________________ (they / be) on the bus?

present simple and present continuous

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

  1. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.

  1. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.

  1. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

  1. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.

  1. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.

present continuous

1 write in positive way for someone?

2.I................................................(look) for my glasses. I can't find them.

3.He...........................................(not work) today. He is on holiday.

4.They...............................................(not take) photos of the house.

5.My parents............................................(visit) Rome at the moment.

6..............................she.....................................(work) in her room?

7.Why....................your brother................................(sit) on the floor?

8.You...............................(not listen) to me.

9.Look, the old man.................(cross) the street now.

10.We.....…....................(fly) over London at the moment.

11.He is......................................(write) a letter.

12.They are.................(sit) down.

13 She is............................(swim) in the lake.

14.It's...............................(begin) to rain.

15.I'm................................(study) Chinese this year.

16.She's........................... (lie) on the beach.

17It's..............................................(get) dark sooner these days.

18.I'm.........................................(travel) to Lisbon this summer.

19.She's …...................................(cut) some bread.

20..I'm...................................(see) the dentist next week.

2 change the verbs




8 write

9. put

10. read

write the sentences en present continuos

1.She/play tennis

2.They/listen to the radio
3.You/go to the store

4.I/cook dinne



Make the present simple, positive, negative or question:

1. I _________________ (be) in a café now.

2. _________________ (she / play) tennis every week?

3. They _________________ (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.

4. _________________ (she / be) a singer?

5. You _________________ (find) the weather here cold.

6. _________________ (they / be) on the bus?

7. Lucy _________________ (ride) her bicycle to work.

8. Why _________________ (he / be) in France?

9. I _________________ (not / play) the piano often.

10. It _________________ (not / be) cold today.

11. We _________________ (be) from Portugal.

12. _________________ (we / make) too much noise at night?

13. Where _________________ (Harry / study)?

14. _________________ (it / be) foggy today?

15. We _________________ (not / be) late.

16. They _________________ (not / like) animals.

17. Where _________________ (you / be)?

18. He _________________ (not / be) an accountant.

19. _________________ (the dog / eat) chicken?

  1. She _________________ (be) my sister.

2. Write the third person singular form (he, she, it) of these verbs.













1. Wash2. Put3. Do4. Close
5. Teach6. Watch7. Go8. Get

3. Correct the sentences if necessary.
1. She goes to the beach in summer.

2. They opens the shop in the morning.

3. I watch the news in the evening.

4. My friend watch TV at night.

5. Bob and Peter washes their car.

6. Pamela like going to the cinema.

7. The show finishes at eleven o'clock.

8. Paul loves playing tennis.

9. He always passes the exams.

10. She never studys for the tests.

Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency

  1. They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.

2) I _______ eat turkey. (Only at Christmas)

3) She doesn’t have a watch so she’s _________ late.

4) We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.

5) I ________ play tennis (when I have time)


present simple and present continuous

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.

  1. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.

  1. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.

  1. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.

  1. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.

  1. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.

  1. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.

  1. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.

  1. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.

  1. We ____________ (have) lunch now.

  1. I never ____________ (stay in) on Saturday evening.

  1. I ____________ (go) to the cinema now.

  1. My mum ____________ (not work) today.

  1. Peter ____________ (not like) rap music.

  1. He ____________ (listen) to pop music at the moment.

  1. Donna usually ____________ (go) shopping on Saturdays.

  1. Let´s go out. It ____________ (not rain) now.

  1. Hurry up! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you!

  1. The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.

  1. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.

  1. The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?

  1. I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.

  1. I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.

  1. It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.

25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

Fill in the blanks with am/is/are/do/don’t/does/doesn’t

  1. Excuse me _____ you speak English?
    2. Have a 
    cigarette. No, thank you. I _____ smoke.
    3. Why ____ you laughing at me?
    4. What ____ she do? She’s a dentist.
    5. I ____ want to go out. It ____ raining.
    6. Where ____ you come from? From Canada.
    7. How much ____ it cost to send a letter to Canada?
    8.I can’t talk to you at the moment. I ____ working.
    9. George is a good tennis player but he _____ play very often.

Put the verb in present continuous or present simple

  1. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English?
    2. Tom _________________ (have/shower) at the moment.
    3. They _____________ (not/watch) television very often.
    4. Listen! Somebody _______________ (sing)
    5. She’s tired. She ____________ (want) to go home.
    6. How often ____________________ (you/read) a newspaper?
    7. Excuse me, but you __________________ (sit) in my place. Oh I’m sorry.
    8. I’m sorry. I ___________________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly.
    9.Where are you Roy? I am in the office. I ___________________ (read)
    10. What time __________________ (she/finish) work every day?
    11. You can turn off the radio. I _____________________ (not listen) to it.
    12. He ____________________ (not/usually
    /drive) to work. He usually ________ (walk)


I ____ a great time on this holiday.
am having
Either could be used here.
Q2 - She's Italian- she ____ from Pisa.
is coming
Either could be used here.
Q3 - '_____ your meal?' 'Yes, it's very good.'
Are you enjoying
Do you enjoy
Either could be used here.
Q4 - Many scientists believe global warming ____.
really happens
is really happening
Either could be used here.

Q6 - ____ to see us next month?
Do you come
Are you coming
Either could be used here.
Q7 - Let me know when you ____ this letter.
are receiving
Either could be used here.
Q8 - They ____ to do it now.
are wanting
Either could be used here.
Q9 - I _____ it.
don't understand
am not understanding
Either could be used here.
Q10 - Water ____ at a hundred degrees.
is boiling
Either could be used here.
Q11 - Smoking _____ cancer.
is causing
Either could be used here.
Q12 - I ____ a lot of progress at the moment.
am making
Either could be used here.
Q13 - It _____ me a lot at the moment.
is worrying
Either could be used here.
Q14 - Don't pay attention- he ____ stupid.
is just
is just being
Either could be used here.
Q15 - I ____ up at seven o'clock on weekdays.
am getting
Either could be used here.
Q16 - He _____ silly questions.
always asks
is always asking
Either could be used here.

Change to past tense.
1. He (walk) to school yesterday.

 to school yesterday.

2. They (do) their homework last night.

 their homework last night.

3. You (are) lazy last week.

 lazy week.

4. That woman (buy) a new book this morning.

That woman 
 a new book this morning.

5. The janitor (clean) the blackboard yesterday.

The janitor 
 the blackboard yesterday.

6. My mother (cook) food yesterday.

My mother 
 food yesterday.

7. This morning my teacher (teach) English.

This morning my teacher 

8. I (am) hungry yesterday.

 hungry yesterday.

9. The gardener (cut) the trees last month.

The gardener 
 the trees last month.

10. She (drink) milk this morning.

 milk this morning.

11. Last month the man (ride) a horse.

Last month the man 
 a horse.

12. Sakda (go) to Hong Kong last year.

 to Hong Kong last year.

13. The birds (fly) in the sky this morning.

The birds 
 in the sky this morning.

14. I (know) Tom's house last year.

 Tom's house last year.

15. The joiner (make) tables and chairs yesterday.

The joiner 
 tables and chairs yesterday.

16. The farmer (grow) rice last year.

The farmer 
 rice last year.

17. Two weeks ago the boy (has) a new bicycle.

Two weeks ago the boy 
 a new bicycle.

18. He (feel) happy yesterday.

 happy yesterday.

19. We (work) hard last week.

 hard last week.

20. The students (meet) in the hall last week.

The students 
 in the hall last week.

1) Charles Darwin [was were] born on February 12, 1809.
2) He [was were] a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection.
3) In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals  [was were]  similar to modern species.
4) Many people  [was were]  strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.
5) Throughout his life, Darwin [was were] a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.

Albert Einstein
6) When Albert Einstein [waswere]  young, his parents worried about him.
7) Einstein's parents [was were]  concerned that Albert was "slow." 
8) Albert  [was were]  a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams.
 9) Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity,  [was were]  published in 1905.
10) Unfortunately, the theory of relativity [was were] used to create the atomic bomb.

Q1 - There ____ many people at the show.
Q2 - ____ you tired?
Q3 - They ____ late.
Q4 - I ____ very annoyed.
Q5 - She ____ there.
Q6 - Everybody ____ pleased.
Q7 - There ____ no trouble at the party.
Q8 - ____ there any difficulty in finding it?
Q9 - Who ____ at the meeting?
Q10 - It ____ no bother.
Q11 - How much ____ they?
Q12 - How many ____ there?
Either could be used here.
Q13 - We _____ too late.
Either could be used here.
Q14 - It ____ ours.
Q15 - It ____ impossible.
Either could be used here.
Q16 - It ____ the boys who took it.

Choose the correct answer.
1.     a computer in the bedroom.
2.     six chairs in the dining room.
3.     some books in the library.
4.     an apple on the table.
5.     there any apples in the fridge?
6.     a window in the kitchen.
7.      a sofa in the living room?
8.     twenty students in the class.

Complete the sentences with 
isareisn't or aren't.

5.       there 52 weeks in a year?
6.      Yes, there .
7.       there 60 seconds in an hour?
8.      No, there .
9.       there a police station here?
10.  No, there .

Q1 of 10: My mother is _____ than my father.

 the oldest
 the old
Q2 of 10: What is _____ movie you have ever seen?

 the funniest
 the funny
Q3 of 10: That movie was bad, but it wasn't _____ I have ever seen.

 the worst
Q4 of 10: Rachel's hair is not as _____ as Sarah's.

 the longest
 more long
Q5 of 10: Yesterday's exam was _____ than the one last month.

 the difficultest
 more difficult
Q6 of 10: Peter is as ____ as Alex.

 the fastest
 the faster
Q7 of 10: I think Mary is _____ woman I have ever seen.

 the most beautiful
 the beautifulest
 the beautifuler
Q8 of 10: Her room is only a little bit _____ than mine.

 the bigger
 he biggest
Q9 of 10: He is _____ when he is playing football.

 the happier
 the happy
Q10 of 10: Michael's house is _____ from the train than Betty's.

 the furthest
 the farther

 Completar las frases

I didn´t watch TV last night.
1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.
2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.
3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.
4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.
  1. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

Escribe las preguntas en el orden correcto

night? / meet / Did / you / them / last /
Did you meet them last night?
1. film? / like / you / Did / the /
2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /
3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good /
4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /
5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /
6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to /
7. did / yesterday? / Who / you / see /

 Corrige las frases

Who do you met on Saturday morning? X
Who did you meet on Saturday morning?
  1. Did he went to school yesterday?

  1. Why did you to go home early?

  1. Where you did learn English?

  1. Did she works today?

  1. What do you this yesterday?

  1. Did they last night phone you?

Completa las frases utilizando el pasado simple de los verbos.

be – got up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat
Yesterday I got up early, at about seven o´clock.
1. I ________ a shower and some fruit for breakfast.
2. Then I ________ to the sports centre.
3. I ________ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then
4. I ________ 5 kilometers.
5. At lunchtime I ________ my friends in a café.
6. We ________ some pasta and ________ some juice.
  1. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired!

Completa con el verbo en pasado simple (verbos regulares)

1. I opened the door and ___________ (look) inside.
2. Who ___________ (close) all the windows?
3. I ___________ (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.
4. I ___________ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I ___________ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane ___________ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We ___________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother ___________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She ___________ (smile) when she saw me.
11. We ___________ (hurry) to the station to catch the train.
12. She ___________ (laugh) when I told her the joke.
13. We ___________ (race) each other on our bikes.
14. Dad ___________ (not help) me with my homework.
15. Helen ___________ (whisper) me a secret.
16. Luis Miguel ___________ (hurry) to catch a bus.
17. We ___________ (return) our books to the library.
18. She ___________ (not kiss) the frog.
19. The frog ___________ (change) into a prince.
20. Two doctors ___________ (rush) into the room.
21. I ___________ (not kick) the ball very hard.
22. Who ___________ (invent) the computer?
23. Dinosaurs ___________ (live) many years ago.
24. It ___________ (not snow) last night.
  1. They ___________ (not work) until twelve last night.

Present simple and contious

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous).

Type all of your answers and click on "Check".

ext week, my friends and I  (go) camping in the woods. I  (organize) the food, because I  (like) cooking. Dave (have) a big car with a trailer, so he  (plan) the transportation. Sam  (bring) the tent — he  (go) camping every year, so he  (have) a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife  (think) we're crazy. She  (like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she  (take) a trip to Paris instead.

Simple Present / Present Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers.

  1. Every Monday, Sally (drive)  her kids to football practice.

    2. Usually, I (work)  as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study)  French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
    3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .
    4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) 
5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) .
6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say)  because everybody (talk)  so loudly. 7. Justin (write, currently)  a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished.

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?
Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go)  to a movie tonight with some friends.

9. The business cards (be, normally )  printed by a company in New York. Their prices (be)  inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

10. This delicious chocolate (be)  made by a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland.
Comparative and superlative

30 years old
6'2" tall
240 pounds (a little fat)
finished college
a boring guy!
not very friendly
20 years old
5'6" tall
137 pounds (a little thin)
working on GED
a very interesting guy!
1. old

2. young

3. tall

4. short

5. heavy

6. light

7. educated

8. interesting

9. friendly 

10. thin

 Completar las frases

I didn´t watch TV last night.
1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.
2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.
3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.
4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.
  1. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

Escribe las preguntas en el orden correcto

night? / meet / Did / you / them / last /
Did you meet them last night?
1. film? / like / you / Did / the /
2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /
3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good /
4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /
5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /
6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to /
7. did / yesterday? / Who / you / see /

 Corrige las frases

Who do you met on Saturday morning? X
Who did you meet on Saturday morning?
  1. Did he went to school yesterday?

  1. Why did you to go home early?

  1. Where you did learn English?

  1. Did she works today?

  1. What do you this yesterday?

  1. Did they last night phone you?

Completa las frases utilizando el pasado simple de los verbos.

be – got up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat
Yesterday I got up early, at about seven o´clock.
1. I ________ a shower and some fruit for breakfast.
2. Then I ________ to the sports centre.
3. I ________ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then
4. I ________ 5 kilometers.
5. At lunchtime I ________ my friends in a café.
6. We ________ some pasta and ________ some juice.
  1. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired!

Completa con el verbo en pasado simple (verbos regulares)

1. I opened the door and ___________ (look) inside.
2. Who ___________ (close) all the windows?
3. I ___________ (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.
4. I ___________ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I ___________ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane ___________ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We ___________ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother ___________ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We ___________ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She ___________ (smile) when she saw me.
11. We ___________ (hurry) to the station to catch the train.
12. She ___________ (laugh) when I told her the joke.
13. We ___________ (race) each other on our bikes.
14. Dad ___________ (not help) me with my homework.
15. Helen ___________ (whisper) me a secret.
16. Luis Miguel ___________ (hurry) to catch a bus.
17. We ___________ (return) our books to the library.
18. She ___________ (not kiss) the frog.
19. The frog ___________ (change) into a prince.
20. Two doctors ___________ (rush) into the room.
21. I ___________ (not kick) the ball very hard.
22. Who ___________ (invent) the computer?
23. Dinosaurs ___________ (live) many years ago.
24. It ___________ (not snow) last night.
  1. They ___________ (not work) until twelve last night.

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